Moonsilver Blade (Passive)
Every third strike cleaves nearby enemies for an additional magic damage. After casting a spell, Diana gains Attack Speed for 5 seconds.
Every third strike cleaves nearby enemies for an additional magic damage. After casting a spell, Diana gains Attack Speed for 5 seconds.
Cooldown: 8/7.5/7/6.5/6
Cost: 50
Range: 900
Diana unleashes an arc of lunar energy, dealing magic damage and marking with Moonlight for n seconds. Moonlight reveals enemies that are not stealthed.d
Cooldown: 15/13.5/12/10.5/9
Cost: 40/45/50/55/60
Range: 800
Diana creates three orbiting spheres for n seconds that explode on contact, each dealing magic damage, up to a max of damage.Diana also gains Shield for the same duration. When the last sphere detonates, she gains an additional Shield and refreshes the duration.d
Cooldown: 22/20/18/16/14
Cost: 40/45/50/55/60
Range: 825
Diana becomes as the vengeful moon, dashing to an enemy and dealing magic damage. If the target is afflicted with Moonlight, this Ability\'s Cooldown is refreshed.d
Cooldown: 100/90/80
Cost: 100
Range: 475
Diana Pulls In, Slows by p%, and reveals nearby enemies for n seconds.If Diana hits at least one enemy champion, she calls to the moon, dealing magic damage plus n for each champion pulled beyond the first, up to a max of an additional damage.d