We Are More (Passive)
Naafiri spawns packmates that attack the targets of her attacks and abilities.
Naafiri spawns packmates that attack the targets of her attacks and abilities.
Cooldown: 9/8.5/8/7.5/7
Cost: 55/60/65/70/75
Range: 900
Naafiri hurls Darkin-tainted blades, dealing {{ spell.naafiriq:totaldamagefirstcast }} physical damage and inflicting a bleed, dealing {{ spell.naafiriq:totalbleeddamage }} physical damage over {{ spell.naafiriq:bleedduration }} seconds.Naafiri can Recast this Ability. If enemies hit are already bleeding from this Ability, it instead deals the remaining bleed damage plus between {{ spell.naafiriq:totalmindamagesecondcast }} and {{ spell.naafiriq:totalmaxdamagesecondcast }} physical damage, based on their missing Health. If that target was a champion or large monster, Naafiri restores {{ spell.naafiriq:totalhealsecondcast }} Health.Packmates will leap at the first champion hit and attack them for {{ spell.naafirip:packmatetauntduration }} seconds. d
Cooldown: 20/19.5/19/18.5/18
Cost: 60
Range: 400
Naafiri becomes Untargetable for n second and prepares to hunt, spawning d additional Packmates and gaining d Attack Damage and {{ movespeedamount* 100 }}% Move Speed for n seconds.Packmates become Untargetable and are recalled to Naafiri.d
Cooldown: 9/8.5/8/7.5/7
Cost: 35
Range: 450
Naafiri surges forward, dealing h physical damage, then explodes in a flurry of blades, dealing h physical damage.Packmates become Untargetable and are recalled to Naafiri restoring 100% Health. d
Cooldown: 110/95/80
Cost: 100
Range: 900
Naafiri dashes at an enemy champion, dealing physical damage and briefly Slowing them. Packmates become Untargetable and dash alongside Naafiri, dealing physical damage per Packmate.If Naafiri scores a Takedown within w seconds she reveals nearby enemies for n seconds and can recast this Ability once within w seconds. The second cast grants l Shield for n seconds.d