Clockwork Windup (Passive)
Orianna\'s Attacks deal additional magic damage. This damage increases the more Orianna Attacks the same target.
Orianna\'s Attacks deal additional magic damage. This damage increases the more Orianna Attacks the same target.
Cooldown: 6/5.25/4.5/3.75/3
Cost: 30/35/40/45/50
Range: 815
Orianna commands her Ball to move to an area, dealing p magic damage to surrounding enemies and to enemies it passes through. Deals 30% less damage to all enemies after the first.d
Cooldown: 7
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
Range: 225
Orianna commands her Ball to release an electric pulse, dealing magic damage to surrounding enemies.The pulse leaves behind an energy field for n seconds, Slowing enemies by {{ slowamount* 100 }}% and granting allies {{ hasteamount* 100 }}% Move Speed, decaying over n seconds.d
Cooldown: 9
Cost: 60
Range: 1095
Passive: The Ball adds 6/12/18/24/30 Armor and 6/12/18/24/30 Magic Resist to the allied champion it is attached to.Active: Orianna commands her Ball to attach to an allied champion, granting them p Shield for 2.5 seconds. Enemies the Ball passes through take p magic damage.d
Cooldown: 110/95/80
Cost: 100
Range: 410
Orianna commands her Ball to unleash a shockwave, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and Knocking them in the direction of the Ball.d