Break the Mold (Passive)
Rell\'s Attacks and Abilities deal additional magic damage and steal Armor and Magic Resist on hit.
Rell\'s Attacks and Abilities deal additional magic damage and steal Armor and Magic Resist on hit.
Cooldown: 11/10.5/10/9.5/9
Cost: 50
Range: 600
Rell thrusts her lance, Stunning targets for n seconds, destroying all Shields, and dealing magic damage.d
Cooldown: 10
Cost: 40
Range: 450
Passive - Mounted Alacrity: Rell gains {{ spell.rellw_dismount:mountedmovespeed }} Move Speed while mounted.Active - Ferromancy: Crash Down: Rell leaps off her mount, Knocking Up enemies and dealing {{ spell.rellw_dismount:dismountdamage }} magic damage. Rell gains {{ spell.rellw_dismount:shield }} Shield, which lasts until she remounts.Rell then enters her armored form, gaining {{ spell.rellw_dismount:resistanceincrease* 100 }}% increased Armor and Magic Resist, {{ spell.rellw_dismount:dismountedasboost* 100 }}% Attack Speed and {{ spell.rellw_dismount:dismountedrangeboost }} Attack Range. In this armored form, she can use Ferromancy: Mount Up.d
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10
Cost: 40
Range: 1200
Rell and an ally charge, gaining {{ minms* 100 }}% Move Speed, increased to {{ maxms* 100 }}% when facing enemy champions or each other for n seconds. Rell\'s next Attack or Shattering Strike explodes in an area for c max Health magic damage.d
Cooldown: 120/100/80
Cost: 100
Range: 200
Rell explodes in a magnetic fury, violently Pulling nearby enemies towards herself. Then Rell constantly Drags nearby enemies towards herself and deals magic damage over the next n seconds.d