Noxious Slipstream (Passive)
Singed drafts off nearby champions, gaining a burst of Move Speed when passing them.
Singed drafts off nearby champions, gaining a burst of Move Speed when passing them.
Cooldown: 0
Cost: 13 Mana per Second
Range: 20
Toggle: Singed lays a poisonous trail that deals d magic damage per second.d
Cooldown: 17/16/15/14/13
Cost: 60/70/80/90/100
Range: 1000
Singed hurls a cask of sticky liquid, Grounding and Slowing enemies in the area by t% for n seconds.d
Cooldown: 10/9.5/9/8.5/8
Cost: 60/70/80/90/100
Range: 125
Singed flings an enemy over his shoulder, dealing plus 6/6.5/7/7.5/8% max Health magic damage.If Singed flings a target into his Mega Adhesive, they are Rooted for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds.d
Cooldown: 100
Cost: 100
Range: 20
Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him t Ability Power, Armor, Magic Resist, Move Speed, Health Regen, and Mana Regen for n seconds. During this effect, Singed\'s Poison Trail also applies {{ grievousamount* 100 }}% Grievous Wounds for n second.d