Dragon Practice (Passive)
Hitting champions with Abilities and killing enemies with Super Scorcher Breath grants a stack of Dragon Practice. Stacks increase the damage of Smolders basic Abilities.
Hitting champions with Abilities and killing enemies with Super Scorcher Breath grants a stack of Dragon Practice. Stacks increase the damage of Smolders basic Abilities.
Cooldown: 5.5/5/4.5/4/3.5
Cost: 25
Range: 550
Smolder belches flame, dealing physical damage + {{ spell.smolderp:passive_qdamageincrease }} magic damage. If the target dies, Smolder refunds Mana, once per cast.Based on stacks of Dragon Practice, this Ability evolves to gain the following effects:r 1 Stacks: Damages all enemies surrounding the target.r 2 Stacks: Sends {{ tier 2_numberofblowback }} explosions beyond the target that deal {{ tier 2_blowbackpercentagedamage }}% of this Ability\'s damage.r 3 Stacks: Burns the target, dealing {{ tier 3_burn }} max Health true damage over {{ tier 3_dotlength }} seconds. Enemy champions that drop below {{ tier 3_executethreshold }} total health while burning are killed instantly.d
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10
Cost: 50/55/60/65/70
Range: 1500
Smolder lets out an adorable flaming sneeze, dealing physical damage and Slowing by {{ slowamount* 100 }}% for n seconds.Hitting champions causes an explosion, dealing physical + {{ spell.smolderp:passive_wdamageincrease }} magic damage.d
Cooldown: 24/22/20/18/16
Cost: 65
Range: 700
Smolder takes flight, gaining {{ movespeed* 100 }}% Move Speed and ignoring terrain for n seconds.While flying, Smolder bombards the lowest Health enemy s (rounded down) times for t physical damage + {{ spell.smolderp:ebonusdamage }} magic damage per hit.d
Cooldown: 120
Cost: 100
Range: 4200
Smolder\'s mom breathes fire from above, dealing physical damage. Enemies in the center take {{ tooltiponly_totalsweetspotdamage }} physical damage instead and are Slowed by {{ slowamount* 100 }}% for n seconds.Smolder\'s mom heals her son for c Health if she hits him.d