Tongue Lash (Q)
Cooldown: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5
Cost: 50/46/42/38/34
Range: 900
Deals magic damage to the first enemy hit and slows them by {{ slowamount* 100 }}% for n seconds. On Champion hit, heals Tahm for l +{{ percenthealthhealing* 100 }}% of his missing health and applies a stack of An Acquired Taste dealing {{ spell.tahmkenchpassive:totaldamage }} extra magic damage. If that Champion already had 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste, they will also be stunned for n seconds, consuming the stacks.Activate Devour while your tongue is in midair to devour enemy champions who already have 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste from a distance when you hit them.d