Blast Shield (Passive)
Vi charges a shield over time. The shield can be activated by hitting an enemy with an ability.
Vi charges a shield over time. The shield can be activated by hitting an enemy with an ability.
Cooldown: 12/10.5/9/7.5/6
Cost: 50/60/70/80/90
Range: 250
Begin Charging: Vi begins charging a powerful punch, Slowing herself by 15%.Release: Vi dashes forward dealing between and p physical damage based on charge time and applying Denting Blows to all enemies hit. Vi stops upon colliding with an enemy champion, and Knocks them Back.d
Cooldown: 0
Cost: No Cost
Range: 750
Passive: Every 3rd Attack on the same target deals an additional p max Health physical damage, removes 20% Armor and grants Vi 30/37.5/45/52.5/60% Attack Speed for 4 seconds. It also reduces the remaining Cooldown of Blast Shield by {{ spell.vipassive:cdreductionon 3hit }} seconds.d
Cooldown: 1
Cost: 26/32/38/44/50
Range: 400
Vi\'s next Attack deals p physical damage to the target and enemies behind them.This Ability has 2 charges ( second refresh).d
Cooldown: 140/115/90
Cost: 100/125/150
Range: 800
Vi singles out an enemy champion, revealing them and dashing unstoppably towards them. Upon reaching them, Vi Knocks them Up for n seconds and deals physical damage.Any other enemies Vi collides with are dealt damage, knocked aside, and Stunned for n seconds.d