Crimson Pact (Passive)
Every 30 points of bonus Health gives Vladimir 1 Ability Power and every 1 point of Ability Power gives Vladimir 1.6 bonus Health (does not stack with itself).
Every 30 points of bonus Health gives Vladimir 1 Ability Power and every 1 point of Ability Power gives Vladimir 1.6 bonus Health (does not stack with itself).
Cooldown: 9/7.9/6.8/5.7/4.6
Cost: No Cost
Range: 600
Vladimir drains his target\'s lifeforce, dealing p magic damage and restoring p Health. After using this Ability twice, Vladimir gains q 2% Move Speed for 0.5 seconds and empowers the next use of this Ability for 2.5 seconds.The empowered version of this Ability deals p magic damage instead and restores an additional p plus p missing Health.d
Cooldown: 28/25/22/19/16
Cost: No Cost
Range: 350
Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds, gaining {{ hasteboost* 100 }}% decaying Move Speed for n second and becoming Untargetable and Ghosted while Slowing enemies in the pool by {{ movespeedmod* -100 }}%.Vladimir deals magic damage and restores l Health per enemy over the duration.d
Cooldown: 13/11/9/7/5
Cost: No Cost
Range: 600
Begin Charging: Vladimir charges up a reservoir of blood, spending up to p Health. While at full charge, Vladimir is Slowed by 20%.Release: Vladimir unleashes a torrent of blood missiles at surrounding enemies, dealing between p and p magic damage based on charge time. If this Ability was charged for at least 1 second, it also Slows targets by t% for 0.5 seconds.d
Cooldown: 120
Cost: No Cost
Range: 625
Vladimir creates a virulent plague, causing its victims to take 10% increased damage from all sources for 4 seconds. After it expires, Vladimir deals magic damage to all infected targets. Vladimir restores Health if he hits a champion, and restores an additional p Health for each champion beyond the first.d